Friday, April 15, 2011

Sir Ken Robison Ted Talk

While watching the video I learned that everyone has the capacity to be creative. The speaker explained how the education system educates people  throughout their lives. It starts out with more focus on creativity and art, over time however the focus shifts from those things to more practical things (in the eyes of the world)  like math or languages. He says that kids are being conditioned to fit into the box the people expect them to be in. He also says that this makes poeple and kids expecially less likely to take chances. "If you're are not prepared to be wrong you will never come up with anything original" During his talk he used humor to lighten the mood in the beginning of his talk.this helped him integrate himself with the audience. His speaking style was somewhat casual. He gave the feeling that he was actually talking to the people in the room, not just reciting a speech on his views on education. The topic of his talk is what people should take with them. He points out real examples of how people are conditioned to fit what people want them to be, and not what they want to be. He shows that how being different is perfectly ok because it really doesn't matter what people think of you if you are comfortable being yourself.

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